Research-quality all-sky measurements of sky cover, spectral radiance, cloud temperature, cloud height, and optical depth.
Solmirus works closely with atmospheric and climate scientists to provide instrumentation tailored to their data acquisition and research needs. The ASIVA and ASIS instruments are automatic, continuously operating, digital imaging and software systems designed to capture infrared and visible hemispheric sky images. Among other features, the software automatically identifies cloudy and clear regions at user-defined intervals and calculates sky cover and sky quality, providing a real-time display of sky conditions. Other capabilities include cloud characterization, cloud temperature measurements, precipitable water vapor and visibility determination, and the assessment of the clear-sky radiance. All these capabilities and more are provided to the user in a real-time manner with a user-friendly, informative web User Interface.
The ASIVA & ASIS can provide scientists atmospheric research applications with a valuable 180-degree view of the sky and its current conditions. The design of the instrument allows for continuous operation in harsh environments if needed.